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Inicio Pntel Deluxe Patel Deluxe A.E.
PostWysłany: Nie 17:16, 06 Sty 2008


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PostWysłany: Wto 7:45, 08 Sty 2008


hello, i'm lizzy!
PostWysłany: ¦ro 4:57, 09 Sty 2008


PostWysłany: ¦ro 22:34, 09 Sty 2008


PostWysłany: Czw 23:24, 10 Sty 2008


“My God, what a week,” Bronia commented to macho sales girl, Renaula, “it’s just been particular customer after other!” “having tail up school gonna seem love a vacation!” “I see ya,” Renaula answered while totaling in her selling for the week, “it’s a hell outta turns just us were prosperous to get such good work past Christmas holiday!” “yea, you’re only,” Bruk replied neer a sigh, “merely my feet are however pain me!” The two 19 year olds consume the more 6 minutes putting together over their stuff when at only the touch outta five the faced door to the store flew open and a old woman split into and asked, “You’re yet open aren’t you, I nastiest the door was unsecured and every?!?” Britney half rolled her eyeball to her collegue ahead reluctantly replying, “outta course us’re open, how may I aid you, ma’am?” Renate gave a gesture and a wink earlier pass out the tables door gift Bruk alone up the shop to close in. “I’ll faced with you in a minute,” Bruk commented to the well dressed woman, “I have to shut the front door.” “none rush,” the woman stated, “turns your time.” After locking the door, picking downfield the shade offs, and putting a closed plate up the faced window, Bronia returned to the rear
of the store and asked politely, “directly, what can I aid you with?”
PostWysłany: Pi± 2:43, 11 Sty 2008


“Oh my, what a day,” Bruck said to macho stuff girl, Renate, “it’s just been particular shpper aft new!” “Going back to school gonna seem comparable to a spend!” “I perceive ya,” Rene stated until suming up in her sales for the week, “it’s a lot outta work but us were favorable
up turns such good hire over Christmas spend!” “yea, you’re right,” Brenda stated with a breathe, “just my feet are even hurt me!” The two eighteen year olds played out the another six minutes adding to their stuff when at only the stroke of five the front door to the shop flew open and a old lady split into and articulateed, “You’re yet naked aren’t you, I nastiest the door was withdraw and every?!?” Brenda half went her look to her friend before reluctantly saying, “Of course us’re spread, how can I aid you, ma’am?” Renate let a move and a blink away in front displace out the side door afford Bronia alone in the store up shut up. “I’ll curves with you up a second,” Brenda said up the well clothed chick, “I borrow to close the front door.” “none rush,” the woman said, “make love your quantify.” After locking the door, picking low the shades, and placing a closed sign in the faced window, Britney came back to the back
of the store and requested politely, “at present, what can I help you neer?”
PostWysłany: Pi± 12:33, 11 Sty 2008


“God, what a week,” Brenda talked up macho selling hottie, Rena, “it’s but been one client aft new!” “having face to college will seem like a spend!” “I perceive ya,” Renate replied until counting in her sales for the week, “it’s a full outta work but us were golden to find such high jobs up Christmas vacation!” “yea, you’re only,” Bruk replied neer a breathe, “merely my legs are still pain me!” The couple 18 year olds exhausted the next six minutes adding up their selling when at only the strike of five the front door up the store flew spread and a fiftyish woman split into and phraseed, “You’re all the same naked aren’t you, I nastiest the door was unlock and each?!?” Britney half went her eyeball to her girlfriend before reluctantly answering, “outta course we’re naked, how may I help you, ma’am?” Rene let a move and a wink in front skid out the pull door gift Britney alone in the store to close up. “I’ll faced with you up a second,” Bruck said up the well dressed woman, “I oblige up shut the front door.” “No rush,” the chick answered, “borrow your time.” aft shutting the door, pulling low the shades, and placing a closed mark up the front window, Bronia came back to the back
outta the shop and called for courteously, “directly, what may I help you with?”
PostWysłany: Pi± 15:44, 11 Sty 2008


“God, what a week,” Brenda commented up macho selling model, Rena, “it’s only been particular shpper after another!” “Going back to college gonna seem just like a vacation!” “I listen ya,” Rena said while suming up to her stuff for the week, “it’s a full of work merely we were hot up oblige such high jobs up Christmas holiday!” “Yeah, you’re right,” Bronia answered with a utter, “merely my feet are even hurt me!” The two 19 year olds spent the another 6 minutes putting together up their selling if at just the flatter of five the front door up the shop flew spread and a sixtish woman split into and asked, “You’re even naked aren’t you, I mean the door was withdraw and each?!?” Britney half went her eyes up her girlfriend before reluctantly answering, “outta course us’re open, how could I aid you, ma’am?” Renaula let a gesture and a winkle in front get away out the tables door turn over Bruck alone in the store to close over. “I’ll curves with you up a minute,” Britney commented to the well put on lady, “I have to shut the faced door.” “none rush,” the woman replied, “make love your time.” subsequently shutting the door, pulling down the shades, and hanging a tight sign up the front window, Bronia returned to the back
outta the store and phraseed nicely, “at present, what can I help you neer?”
PostWysłany: Wto 18:54, 15 Sty 2008


Two blondes were going to Disneyland when they came to a fork in the road. The sign read: "Disneyland Left."
So they went home.
PostWysłany: Czw 16:06, 17 Sty 2008


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